The Tale - A journey of discovery across Torbay...
The Tale unfolds across the stunning landscape of Torbay, South Devon this September.
A unique kind of arts trail, The Tale guides you on a journey of discovery around the coast of Torbay – from the streets of Torquay, through hidden coves & historic harbours of Brixham, to the quarry of Berry Head Nature Reserve.
Along the way you’ll encounter performances & installations from internationally acclaimed artists, created especially for Torbay.
The Tale begins in Torquay (Torquay Museum) and ends in Brixham. Exact locations of artworks & performances will be revealed at the start of your journey.
Experience The Tale across either one full day (Meteor Ticket) or at a more leisurely pace across two days (Wanderer Ticket) in September. Pick your weekend, your start date & time when booking.
Weekend One: Fri 8 – Sun 10 September
Weekend Two: Fri 15 – Sun 17 September
Weekend Three: Fri 22 – Sun 24 September
To book tickets and find out more information visit The Tale website
To check availability and prices to stay at The Cleveland and experience The Tale, visit our website booking page.